8952 E Desert Cove Ave | Suite E114 | Scottsdale 85260

Neuromodulators – Wrinkle Erasers

Neuromodulators or “muscle relaxers” like Jeuveau, Botox, and Dysport help to reduce fine lines and wrinkles by blocking the transmission of nerve impulses to the treated muscles. With similar mechanisms of action, results with all three are comparable and typically last between three and four months. Results are optimized when treatments are maintained and a return to your “baseline” is avoided. While you can expect to start seeing the positive effects of treatment 4-7 days after your appointment, sometimes as early as 1-2 days with Jeuveau, it is always best to wait a full two weeks for final results. Each patient will have different needs and will require varying amounts of neuromodulator. It is important to keep in mind that the number of units used, placement, and injection technique are even more important than the brand name of the product used. With over 25 years of experience in Cosmetic Dermatology, Kristine Romine, MD or Sara Romine, DNP, FNP-C will personally customize your treatment to meet your concerns and will select the perfect treatment for you!

To make your visit as comfortable as possible, we apply topical numbing to treatment areas 15 – 20 minutes prior to your treatment and coach you on deep breathing techniques and use the tapping method to calm any jitters!

Types of Neuromodulators

Botox Phoenix


Jeuveau™ – prabotulinumtoxinA-xvfs – is a newer, more precise neuromodulator that has a very similar molecular size of purified protein as Botox. Jeuveau is made through a proprietary unique Hi-Pure™ technology, leading to more precision clinically. In head-to-head studies, the injectors and patients preferred Jeuveau™ at all study points

Botox ®

Botox® – onabotulinumtoxinA – is a highly purified, natural protein that is produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. Botox® has been used successfully for decades for a variety of medical conditions and is an extremely safe way to reduce fine lines and wrinkles.

Dysport ®

Dysport ® – abobotulinumtoxinA – inhibits the release of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine and is a neuromuscular blocking agent that improves the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles. While similar to Botox® Cosmetic, some possible differences include time to effectiveness as some patients have reported seeing results quicker.